Elites Found Another Way To Human Traffic Pretty Girls For The Obscenely Rich
Elites have found a way to make sex trafficking upscale with a new app, FlyMeOut.
While the app’s terms of service claim the company “stand[s] firmly against any form of exploitation, especially those involving minors or human trafficking,” this is essentially what it will be accomplishing. In what world will a wealthy man with access to a private jet and a sprawling suite with pool and dome views in Greece spend the time or money on an 18+ woman and not expect more than a smile when the sun goes down?
In the age of OnlyFans, our culture has become so disconnected from morality and desensitized by degeneracy that FlyMeOut will seem like a low-risk way for women without the means to travel themselves to find their way to beaches they otherwise wouldn’t. But at what cost?
Because we glorify instant gratification and trade sex for likes, it won’t even register to these women that their future husbands will be horrified to learn of their willingness to give themselves to a stranger for the chance to take Instagram pics on a beach. In ten years, Reddit will be filled with posts of 30-something men who found out that the mother of their children used to be a frequent flyer on beachthot.com and find themselves asking AITA (Am I The A**hole) for looking at my wife differently, knowing she sold her self for a trip to Dubi.
It’s hard to judge who is more in the wrong here. Is it the rich men who know their wealth can buy bodies or the women who know their bodies are up for sale? Either way, this can only end badly for the women used by FlyMeOut.
How are we supposed to market a traditional life with more meaning when our culture sells trips to Paris for the “small” price of women’s souls?
Personally I’ve never thought that. I’ve seen far too much organic stupidity to believe Natural Selection ended for people.
The longer things go on. The more I understand how and why “Elites” of varying status and backgrounds always seem to manage to obtain power. Regardless of the system in place. And legislation meant to keep them out.
And why many thinkers and philosophers. Never seriously entertained the masses actually ever having a say in Government was a viable way of governing anything.
Even initially the U.S was set up to be a Republic for more or less an Elite class. Typically that was the Wealthy. Though a few exceptionally talented people who weren’t exceptionally wealthy, at least initially cropped up periodically.The Number of people who could vote and hold Office was a fraction of the overall population. And the number of people who actually had the resources and wealth to campaign for state and federal office was a fraction of that fraction.
Printing Presses and Newspapers were almost universally owned directly or indirectly by the Wealthy or the Political Parties. With few exceptions. Meaning the Colonial Elite class had a surprisingly tight grip on what was published period let alone published as news. So while technically they had freedom of the Press it certainly wasn’t an independent press.
The General Public was kept sedate with the novel concept of “Inalienable Rights”. And the portion of the population that could read. Let alone the ones who could vote was told how and what to think by one of the assorted various newspapers or publishers they most agreed with. Meanwhile the Colonial Elite were free to actually do the Governing.
Somewhat ironically it was essentially the much maligned Aristocracies of Europe. Just with a few extra steps, a Republican Veneer, and the peasantry given a few freedoms they didn’t have elsewhere to keep them happy. When they for all intents and purposes didn’t actually have much if any say in what the Government was actually doing.
It was only a few decades and several expansions of the franchise later. You saw the whims of the public at large start having some affect on the Governments direction.
Tis these who have failed to progress , not the peasants. Hubris / pride leading cause but , greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth still in abundance.
A "sedate" public is the only sanity remaining. Something about the meek & our little rock.
True enough point there.