I know we've all expected some kind of shoe to drop for a really long time.
And I'm going through my own personal issues now... and I know the world has quite a bit going on as far as problems and things to be concerned with - inflation, physical wars, psychological warfare, cern, so many things
But honestly. Something just feels ... off. I can't really put into words what the feeling is. For lack of words, it just simply feels like something very bad is on the horizon - like days away. I'm feeling like apocalyptic type. It's almost like a gut or intuition feeling.
To add to it, things just don't feel normal. Like this reality, the fabric of this reality just don't feel the same as they did 4 years ago. Sure, that could be demoralization tactics that are being used. But I've had some very, very odd things occur that I just simply can't explain.
Feeling really uneasy last few days, like we are teetering on something massive. Does anyone else feel this way?
I think what you mean is God wiped away our sins by sending his son down here, but Satan is still here and his evil is still very much prevalent.
This is true but it's helpful to know evil was defeated the day Jesus rose. The battle has been won. Evil was defeated. The prince of this world still has power but it is temporary. The author of life wrote the end. We have victory with Jesus. This perspective can be helpful these days.