Pardon me, but how does a metal building burn to the ground? This wern't no accident, this was planned to do a couple of things, reduce the number of laying hens within the country, then reduce the amount of eggs available, thus making eggs more valuable. Once eggs go up in cost then everything made with egg as an ingredient will increase in cost. Feeling the pain yet? This is nothing compared to what's gonna happen in a few months. Better get your preps in order so you'll have something to fall back on when the hard times come.
Pardon me, but how does a metal building burn to the ground? This wern't no accident, this was planned to do a couple of things, reduce the number of laying hens within the country, then reduce the amount of eggs available, thus making eggs more valuable. Once eggs go up in cost then everything made with egg as an ingredient will increase in cost. Feeling the pain yet? This is nothing compared to what's gonna happen in a few months. Better get your preps in order so you'll have something to fall back on when the hard times come.