Also for those who do not know, all religions, at their base, are obsessed with Earth/Air/Fire/Water/Aether and even express it in this way. Catholic priests, when being ordained, prostrate themselves face down and put their arms out to either side. North, South, East, West. Earth, Air, Fire, Water. And now... introduce the magic. The Aether.
Ephesians 2:6: “And God raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”
By adding one thing, to this mud of which we are made.
God created ALL, therefore natural LAW, eventually LAWF, applies. Natural living man + woman have sovereign ownership over Land, Air, Water, and Fire (LAWF), but our sovereignty has been usurped from us by dead, fictitious, and unnatural (demonic?) entities called Corporations (root word ‘corpus’). There is a direct line between God and natural LAW, as recognized by our Founders. No God = No LAW.
Love the addition. Thank you.
Also for those who do not know, all religions, at their base, are obsessed with Earth/Air/Fire/Water/Aether and even express it in this way. Catholic priests, when being ordained, prostrate themselves face down and put their arms out to either side. North, South, East, West. Earth, Air, Fire, Water. And now... introduce the magic. The Aether.
Ephesians 2:6: “And God raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”
By adding one thing, to this mud of which we are made.
His breath.
God created ALL, therefore natural LAW, eventually LAWF, applies. Natural living man + woman have sovereign ownership over Land, Air, Water, and Fire (LAWF), but our sovereignty has been usurped from us by dead, fictitious, and unnatural (demonic?) entities called Corporations (root word ‘corpus’). There is a direct line between God and natural LAW, as recognized by our Founders. No God = No LAW.