posted ago by MemeToDeath2021 ago by MemeToDeath2021 +45 / -2

EDIT: Title should more correctly read "...in attempt to TEMPORARILY derail..." as pointed out by several excellent comments.

Added as supplement to recent discussions on REAL facts of WW2. Related posts:

Hitler in English: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKnaUFom/buy-a-history-book-published-20-/

Commie-Nazi 2-layer destruction of Germany/US: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKncjOpY/the-doublelayer-commienazi-us-de/

Real World Political Spectrum: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKnclaca/the-real-world-political-spectru/c/

Hitler and non-cabal advisors literally blew up the globalist plans of Nationalist-Christian Germans vs Nationalist-Orthodox Russians with Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact [Aug 23, 1939, done in SECRET shortly before Sep war start]. Shortly after when it got out, globalists and Nazi sleeper cells inside German military and SS were apparently activated to undermine and redirect Hitler admin (think German Deep State continuous sabotage):

The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov.[3]


History has been rewritten (by Khazarian mafia and agents) to hide the fact that there was a murderous, criminal faction of Nazi Party (SS and treasonous Generals) that undermined and sabotaged Hitler almost continuously in order to murder him (Valkyrie?) and “engineer” a conflict with Russia (Soviet Union). Sound familiar? (Looking at you Lindsey Graham and John Bolton).

Cabal appears to have popularized “molotov cocktail” intentionally to suppress this historical event name, imo. Ironically (or maybe not), the M-R Pact was literally a “molotov cocktail” thrown through the London Banker window, setting all their plans on fire, and they couldn’t allow that.