Some One Do the Math on How this is Fair to the Farmers. Can you see why small farms are just a hobby.?
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Not to mention if it’s a Bushel of American Wheat. Odds are good it’s both GMO and treated with Chemicals and Pesticides illegal across most of the world due to known Health Risks. Because it saves the Mega Corporations money in growing it and poisons us by extension.
If you have Gluten and Food issues in the U.S. Odds are fairly likely you won’t have the same problems, or at least have them anywhere near as severely consuming European Wheat Products.
Due to heavy regulation and controls on Chemicals and Pesticides used on crops meant for human consumption. Not to mention a Small Farming Culture that has endured the march of time far better than its North American Counterparts. Up until the last 4-5 years at least.
They control almost all our food, and make it expensive to grow your own, at least in an suburban setting.
I stopped eating wheat a long time ago. I started reacting to it as far back as the mid-eighties, with huge swollen pimples on my back. But, I found I could contol the reactions with an allergy rotation diet- i.e. eating wheat only every four days or so.
But then the reactions got really bad in the early noughties, now, the reaction was palm-sized red, itchy wheals on my torso and arthritis, as well as irrational behavioural changes. So it was just a matter of swearing wheat off completely (and oats and rye and barley).
Yesterday I was offered some fancy Danishes, and I didn't even need to think about it. NO.
About 40 Bushels per Acre Yield So you farm 20 acres of Wheat and the return is 4,800 Minus expenses. You ain't feeding your family on 20 acres of wheat. However 2,000 Acres yields 480,000 and your expenses are less per bushel because you bring in a mega tractor company to harvest. Cropland averaged 2,950 in 2022.
So bye bye farmer, hello corporations.