Fake everything. The test was fake. COVID was fake. The vaccines were fake vaccines, but very real weapons.
I said from the start that none of what we were being told made sense. One of the first places hit hard was long term care homes in Italy. Why Italy? Well, because guess who has the oldest population in Europe, and who gets hit hardest with the flu every year. Italy. People LIVING in lockdown got hit hardest by COVID? Come on now. Yet people fell for it.
I believe Fauci and his kind have been working on biological weapons. I also believe that whatever was meant to be released never was. They faked it all, simply using a test that would give positive results for damn near everything. "Yep, you have COVID!" No one dared to ask how they had a test for COVID when they hadn't even isolated "COVID-19". No one, in the public eye, asked if a PCR test that was not designed specifically for one disease would give positive results for others. Nope. It was all COVID. Everything was COVID. The common cold=COVID. The flu=COVID. Any random DNA particles floating around=COVID. Can't find COVID? Keep running the test until you do. And yes, hospitals did that as well.
They should all hang for this. Every damn doctor, nurse, actor, musician, journalist, politician, ANYONE who promoted this shit.
Sir/ma’am, would you like plant (hemp) Kevlar, metal wire, etc with the material for hanging?
A collection of information regarding your statements on the post/thread/link comment below, and I concur.
I knew even before the scamdemic was officially declared March 11, 2020 and a few days after the first stateside case in WA Jan. 15,2020 that it was a fraud/scam plandemic. I warned/told people but >95% fell for Heil Fauci among my family and friends (majority employed by medical industrial complex) and subsequently took the toxic jab concoction in their bodies. The really sad and frustrating part now is most (almost all) are still in denial and/or cognitive dissonance🤬😤😡
The second it was reported I thought, "They'll do anything to derail Trump's economy." I knew it was fake from the start.
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING added up to some global pandemic. When they had to borrow numbers from every natural occorring death to pad their numbers, and I saw it happen firsthand, I knew damn well there wasn't a real disease. If there was, they wouldn't have had to call every naturally occurring death a COVID death.
I vividly remember saying, "Just watch, the flu numbers will disappear." 3 years later? Damn, 40 million flu cases a year down to 2,000.
They faked the whole damn thing. Not only to hurt Trump, but to try to take over the damn world while doing so.
In agreement with the last part of your comment another “collection” of information I had previously posted on Trump being removed at all cost by the DS - “win by any means necessary”Q. The rest of your comments speak for itself and can be used as “I told you so” moments.
“He warned that the world would be forced to contend with “films of innocent children pleading for their lives while people are butchering them.” MJ12
The global domination agenda has been ongoing, for a long time (I wasn’t awake to it early on ) but the fear porn generated by the scamdemic was so blatant (to me) that I knew a jab was coming which going to be mandated, then digital ID’s, CBDC, 15 minute smart cities and so on.
Without a trial for them, they are already guilty from day one that they lied about the fake virus and the fake cure.
Just condemn them and let them die.
u/#q3815 🪢🏝🏴☠️ u/#q1105
Q: Is there sealed indictments for people involved with vaccines?
A: They have committed other crimes. Collateral damage from fallouts will clean things up.
Fake everything. The test was fake. COVID was fake. The vaccines were fake vaccines, but very real weapons.
I said from the start that none of what we were being told made sense. One of the first places hit hard was long term care homes in Italy. Why Italy? Well, because guess who has the oldest population in Europe, and who gets hit hardest with the flu every year. Italy. People LIVING in lockdown got hit hardest by COVID? Come on now. Yet people fell for it.
I believe Fauci and his kind have been working on biological weapons. I also believe that whatever was meant to be released never was. They faked it all, simply using a test that would give positive results for damn near everything. "Yep, you have COVID!" No one dared to ask how they had a test for COVID when they hadn't even isolated "COVID-19". No one, in the public eye, asked if a PCR test that was not designed specifically for one disease would give positive results for others. Nope. It was all COVID. Everything was COVID. The common cold=COVID. The flu=COVID. Any random DNA particles floating around=COVID. Can't find COVID? Keep running the test until you do. And yes, hospitals did that as well.
They should all hang for this. Every damn doctor, nurse, actor, musician, journalist, politician, ANYONE who promoted this shit.
Sir/ma’am, would you like plant (hemp) Kevlar, metal wire, etc with the material for hanging?
A collection of information regarding your statements on the post/thread/link comment below, and I concur.
I knew even before the scamdemic was officially declared March 11, 2020 and a few days after the first stateside case in WA Jan. 15,2020 that it was a fraud/scam plandemic. I warned/told people but >95% fell for Heil Fauci among my family and friends (majority employed by medical industrial complex) and subsequently took the toxic jab concoction in their bodies. The really sad and frustrating part now is most (almost all) are still in denial and/or cognitive dissonance🤬😤😡
Covid-19 the pandemic that never was https://greatawakening.win/p/17shvx6PuT/
The second it was reported I thought, "They'll do anything to derail Trump's economy." I knew it was fake from the start.
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING added up to some global pandemic. When they had to borrow numbers from every natural occorring death to pad their numbers, and I saw it happen firsthand, I knew damn well there wasn't a real disease. If there was, they wouldn't have had to call every naturally occurring death a COVID death.
I vividly remember saying, "Just watch, the flu numbers will disappear." 3 years later? Damn, 40 million flu cases a year down to 2,000.
They faked the whole damn thing. Not only to hurt Trump, but to try to take over the damn world while doing so.
In agreement with the last part of your comment another “collection” of information I had previously posted on Trump being removed at all cost by the DS - “win by any means necessary”Q. The rest of your comments speak for itself and can be used as “I told you so” moments.
“He warned that the world would be forced to contend with “films of innocent children pleading for their lives while people are butchering them.” MJ12 “IT WAS NEVER ABOUT THE VIRUS AND ALWAYS ABOUT THE ELECTION” Q . more in post/thread/link comment https://greatawakening.win/p/17sP1qFYus/he-warned-that-the-world-would/c/
The global domination agenda has been ongoing, for a long time (I wasn’t awake to it early on ) but the fear porn generated by the scamdemic was so blatant (to me) that I knew a jab was coming which going to be mandated, then digital ID’s, CBDC, 15 minute smart cities and so on.