I think you're overthinking it. If we started a new lockdown today, the effects would be the same. Especially if we started treating everyone with the sniffles with vents and remdesvir, and started moving cold & flu patients into old folks' homes again.
It was weaponized propaganda that scared everyone into taking the vaxxes. Now all cause mortality is higher, and hospitals are more overwhelmed, than at any time during the so-called "pandemic."
One could argue that that the 'rona is a weaponised virus which would never be a good bioweapon on its own without lockdowns and the vax.
As a single weaponised virus, it's not effective, but when teamed with a plan to mandate vaxes, it is effective. It is the scare portion of the plan.
I think you're overthinking it. If we started a new lockdown today, the effects would be the same. Especially if we started treating everyone with the sniffles with vents and remdesvir, and started moving cold & flu patients into old folks' homes again.
It was weaponized propaganda that scared everyone into taking the vaxxes. Now all cause mortality is higher, and hospitals are more overwhelmed, than at any time during the so-called "pandemic."