Burdened or Savior?
We are at the high stakes table right now across the country. Being honest we have engrained ourselves with friends, family and neighbors as the level headed ones who have the answers.
In the last week, I have been asked by everyone whom I have ever spoken politics to, often leaving out the GAW / Q side-simply been in contact on the controversial side of the hypocrisy.
And to be blunt... these folks are middle of the road, still trying to figure out the puzzle. But they are coming to me for my opinion because things are so blatantly, in your face, corrupt.
If it werent for people like you and people like me, we would damn well be in a war - call it 'civil' or revolutionary... whatever - there would be chaos. I think that is what the DS wants/needs... they are begging for it.
We are the keepers right now of peace. Trump has always been the pursuer of peace. So I feel comfort in having Q guide us to said plan... although for many years I have questioned WTF is going on but the Q drops have given us tidbits to keep us sane. Regardless, we have been abused but maybe it is the only way.
All that said, I see and feel the pain in those around me. As based as they are they are deep down ready... ready for justice. They need it, they must see it. This one sided BS has them on the edge. I have been trying to coach, guide and help but at the end of our conversations there is always the outstanding question of "IF the pendulum swings any further ..."
Well its being pulled and we are trying to keep the waters calm while its shifting... the snap back is building tho and good people may be caught up in the snap when it finally drops.
Peace can only be kept for so long and I think that unless we see some major interjections on the side of our party we are about to see that snap. People are no longer swayed by words and see a joke of a RINO congress and Trump has been our mouth piece, the removal of him may will trigger it - which i fear is what the DS wants.
Guidance here?
When I think how nice it would be to have these corrupt actors removed, I think of Jesus’ parable in Matthew 13:24-30, about the landowner who sowed wheat in his field, but an enemy sowed weeds. When the workers asked him if they should pull out the weeds, the landowner said no, because the wheat might be damaged in the process of pulling out the weeds. As Paul said, “All things should be done decently and in order.“ that doesn’t mean that things should not get done, they just need to be done in the right and appropriate way.
“TARES AMONG THE WHEAT” Full Documentary By Christian J Pinto: https://youtu.be/MG9PuqP4QvY?si=MAgchrsHtl0n5FV2