246 Memory Hole: Red Cross in 1944: “We found no trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners in Auschwitz” (media.greatawakening.win) 🔍 Notable posted 197 days ago by brain_dead 197 days ago by brain_dead +251 / -5 147 comments download share 147 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Historical fiction means it is fiction based on fact, so the events are real but told in a fictional manner with private dialogue (etc) that can’t be known but only speculated.
SOMETIMES it means that. But not in the case of "Schindler's List."
Here is an interview with Ernst Zundel, talking about the movie and the book.
Go to 6:30 of the video.
From the author's own words about the book:
It does NOT say: "based on a true story."
It DOES say: "a work of fiction, and a product of the author's imagination."
It is a book of FICTION -- according to the author.
I will take the word of the person who wrote it over your opinion, or that of anyone else.
Wasn’t there a big showing once where Schindler was there among an audience that they revealed to be those he saved many decades before?