NATO now itching to put US troops on the front line to fight Russia
🧠 These people are stupid!
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I agree this is the scare event. But the lower level is not the one that needs to be scared. Uts the generals, and admirals who push wokism. They wont be hit with a precipice. The ones who will be hit by the precipice will be the purple haired leftists out there. The chicks who id a male will get drafted. The males who id as female will get drafted. The lunatics who identify as digs and lizards, yeah, they are gonna be good bomb sniffing digs and cats and what the fuck ever they id as. Their boot camp is gonna wake them the fuck up real hard.
The other scare event will be for the older leftists to old for the draft. Theirs will be financial. The right side had their precipice when we fought the stolen election. We learned it starts with the community and we fought back and made it harder at the local level. Now its the lefts turn.
I hope atleast.