I personally think that would be the ultimate slap in the face to the American people and show, without a shadow of a doubt, how corrupt our two-tiered justice system really is. The entire world just watched an innocent man get found guilty of made up crimes. Now the entire world will watch a guilty man, with beyond damning evidence that they have literally seen with their own eyes, get found innocent. Heads would spin. It would be another HUGE wake up for normies. It would literally show everyone the special pleading fallacy our government and justice system operates on.
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He will 100% walk... this is all planned. All to show how fucked the system is. And I honestly stopped caring about all of it.
I stopped watching and listening to all media and every podcast... too repetitive. No X, no YouTube. I’ll rarely watch a show... Rogan for instance, unless there’s a particularly interesting guest. But much like sports, I’ve completely cut the cord. I used to love watching NFL and MLB and I don’t miss it at all... I’ll watch Trump’s rallies just to see How the script changes because he’s a broken record too, but every once in a while he’ll mention a nugget and it’s an “ah ha” moment. “He has a new talking point.”
Basically, I hope I’m pleasantly surprised in the end. Until then... I can’t be bothered anymore.