Please pray. Please, please pray. For my mental and emotional health. She just very quickly emptied out everything from the closet. My heart is just ... crushed.
Sorry I keep posting about all this stuff on here. I don't know where else to go to get prayer or healing.
Time to man up.
Looks like it's finally real.
Edit: F this. I'm tired of feeling sad about this shit, ya'll. F it. By the way when she did this I didn't even give it an ounce of energy. Which was different. I need to stop putting so much care on all this and let God handle it. Also, I might feel like this cause I just pumped weights for 30 minutes and listened some upbeat rock music. That'll do it.
Edit 2: And F this little u/KrisAngeln who was too afraid to post it publicly and wants to message me saying I'm a nonstarter and a cuck and that he hopes my wife gives my kids a different dad. F you bro for your lack of compassion - cant even post it publicly? I hope you don't go through multiple family suicides like I did. If you did, you'd know what the f*** pain feels like.
Anyway - I agree with a lot of the messages here. Focusing on myself and my kids now. I'm done. This will be my last sob story (I'm not saying I won't ask for prayers, though).
That sounds like a good idea. I have been told many times to write a book about my life, but frankly at 79 I am too old and too tired to write the story. I married at 20 after knowing him for 5 weeks-he was abusive and when he came home from Vietnam I found out how abusive.
When we married I had a son from a relationship with my high school sweetheart and we never married.
Although I kept the baby and when I married the soldier I stayed with him for 15 years because we had 3 sons as he adopted my son. When I had a job that I knew would take care of us, I filed for divorce.
I then married a person who after another 15 years I found out was having an affair. I again divorced him.
Then, when my son from my high school sweetheart had a birthday party for his daughter, my granddaughter, we met for the first time in 30 years. We talked the night away and to make a long story short, we ended up married and have been married for 23 years. There is no doubt that he was the man GOD knew I should end up with; and end up with is the phrase...I would never have had my other two wonderful sons and I doubt that we would have stayed married when we were 20.
The path to happiness is not always what we expect and hope it will be, but it is always, the path that HE in HIS greatness knows what will work for us in the long run.
GOD bless you and I pray for you to end up with the happiness I have found after 30 years of unhappy marriages.
"Happiness begins with the decision to no longer feel sad."