Please pray. Please, please pray. For my mental and emotional health. She just very quickly emptied out everything from the closet. My heart is just ... crushed.
Sorry I keep posting about all this stuff on here. I don't know where else to go to get prayer or healing.
Time to man up.
Looks like it's finally real.
Edit: F this. I'm tired of feeling sad about this shit, ya'll. F it. By the way when she did this I didn't even give it an ounce of energy. Which was different. I need to stop putting so much care on all this and let God handle it. Also, I might feel like this cause I just pumped weights for 30 minutes and listened some upbeat rock music. That'll do it.
Edit 2: And F this little u/KrisAngeln who was too afraid to post it publicly and wants to message me saying I'm a nonstarter and a cuck and that he hopes my wife gives my kids a different dad. F you bro for your lack of compassion - cant even post it publicly? I hope you don't go through multiple family suicides like I did. If you did, you'd know what the f*** pain feels like.
Anyway - I agree with a lot of the messages here. Focusing on myself and my kids now. I'm done. This will be my last sob story (I'm not saying I won't ask for prayers, though).
I spent 10 years with a woman who mentally tortured me, while she worked a married man to leave his wife for her. Fortunately, there were no kids involved. At some point I realised that:
The second I got free from that poor, sick woman - my life got impossibly better. I look back at myself in those horrible years and I cannot believe that I let myself be fooled into the lies about "being a man". I should have walked away earlier, I shouldn't have tried "to make it work". I shouldn't have tried to change myself to meet my miserable partners' demands. I was right not to give her another chance all those times she weeped down the phone at me after I left.
I pray with all my heart that your freedom from this woman in your life, creates the same improvements in your future as it did in mine.