posted ago by aumone ago by aumone +20 / -0

This has been bothering me for weeks/months now regarding taking back our Republic.

Yes I do believe in Q and the plan and the movie, but I then remember the saying...The best laid plans of mice and men can go wrong. 🤔

I have done some deep dive research and cannot come up with an answer.

If we do indeed need to wait until the election in November and then wait until the end of January, I do not see how Trump will be able to do anything by that time and the damage that the Biden administration could do by then could be totally destructive.

Folks, that is almost 8 months from now.

Do you realize the amount of destruction that can occur during that time?

My question for anyone smarter than I - how in the name of the Almighty can Donald Trump turn things around 8 months from now?

How will he get rid of the illegals? How will he find them? How will he be able to restore faith in the Government? The medical industry? Etc..

I am a truly religious person, sometimes to the ankst of my family, but I do not see the redemption of this Country and the world simply by DJT being elected in November. I honestly believe we need the Hand of God long before November.

My husband says we should pray for a "demonic rapture" - where all the demonic people in this world are "raptured" to hell.

I told him that if that happened, those who are doing their best to depopulate the world would be happy...I believe that type of rapture would depopulate the world in a hurry, including those who want to depopulate. 😊