The Higherside Chats: Matthew Lysiak | Fiat Food: Money Magic & The American Diet
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The Higherside Chats: Matthew Lysiak | Fiat Food: Money Magic & The American Diet
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🎶Welcome my son .... ...the machine 🎶
Very nicely stated.
*Whenever people start to wake up - shake the ant jar so that each group believes the other to be the enemy - continue to control supply.
To combat inflation following Nixon's 1971 break from the gold standard, the government started to subsidize corn, soy and sugar to prevent the masses from revolting. As the price of meat rose, the government subsidized shitty food so that we could have Doritos in our bellies and not realize we couldn't afford real food.
I haven't listened to this yet, but I have bookmarked it to listen to when I get the chance.
Meanwhile, I wanted to mention that the book Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All American Meal by Eric Schlosser has a similar, but slightly different take on the food substation narrative. He claims that McDonalds and the other fast food companies lobbied congress for subsidies on the ingredients that they used for the food they sold (wheat, beef, potatoes, etc) in order to ensure a big profit margin for these fast food companies. He also discusses how the lobbyists managed to get congress and regulators to turn a blind eye to abuses in the food chain for these industries, such as the trafficking and exploitation of illegal immigrants. It's an excellent book and it sounds like it couples well with this podcast.
I haven't read that book. But probably a similar level of evil going on.
What was interesting about this is that they knew that when people can't afford food they revolt. They will put up with pretty much anything else. So in order to prevent a revolution they started subsidizing certain foods and also controlling its production. So now people would be oblivious to their dwindling purchase power because they could put the "healthy" foods on their plate as recommended by the food pyramid, buy cheap plastic from China, and continue to toil without realizing they are getting poorer and less healthy. The podcast is a good listen and better than this description. Also the 7th Day Adventists play a role.
Everything you wrote makes perfect sense when looking at the macroeconomic big picture.
I know from my own health journey that the US food pyramid has nothing to do with what is healthy and is solely about pushing foods produced in the US, especially the "captured" foods -- which ensure big profits for Big Businesses (ie, pushing wheat and corn, which profits Monsanto's GMO seeds and Round-Up, or pushing hydrogenated oils made from seed oils to make big profits for Crisco, etc). This is an interesting article about it:
The podcast sounds very interesting and I'm looking forward to listening to it. Since I probably can't listen to it right away, what is the TLDR on the 7th Day Adventists?
Since the 7th day adventists are against meat because it might lead to carnal desires, they had this very influential doctor Kellog go around and promote this diet and he created corn flakes so that people wouldn't masturbate. He was also an overall cruel human being.
Wow. History is so fascinating to me. It's crazy how one crazy guy can have a profound influence on an entire culture's eating habits. Thanks for the info. Can't wait to listen to it!
I think even today you can see it with that bullshit documentary on the Blue Zones that also happens to highlight the 7th D.A's.
For the love of god, stop relying on fast food. Especially if its fried.
I love the THC podcasts. Greg has a style that agrees with me and I've had many eye-opening moments listening to his guests.
Same here. The guy really prepares for his shows and is a great writer/ speaker. He offers great commentary and definitely has opened my mind to a lot of different ideas.