Why would the whitehats force Biden to go against Israel? Because they are saving Israel for last? Because they know it will would be bad being seen as those taking Israel down?
Biden and his merry Jew Administration get credit and the bad press for opposing Israel's current land grab, and the whitehats get what they really wanted. People waking up to what the cabal run government has been doing ever since Israel was founded, fomenting wars and stealing more land. They will never give up their goal of ruling over the whole ME. The control of the oil means world dominance and world control, and that is the ultimate goal of the cabal, and always has been. Anyone that gets in their way they will kill, terrorists, men, women, children, and babies. They see the rest of humanity has pawns to be used to further their goals.
We are watching a movie.
Why would the whitehats force Biden to go against Israel? Because they are saving Israel for last? Because they know it will would be bad being seen as those taking Israel down?
Biden and his merry Jew Administration get credit and the bad press for opposing Israel's current land grab, and the whitehats get what they really wanted. People waking up to what the cabal run government has been doing ever since Israel was founded, fomenting wars and stealing more land. They will never give up their goal of ruling over the whole ME. The control of the oil means world dominance and world control, and that is the ultimate goal of the cabal, and always has been. Anyone that gets in their way they will kill, terrorists, men, women, children, and babies. They see the rest of humanity has pawns to be used to further their goals.