In the middle of a war, with their country getting pounded day and night, do you think the German Army would have the resources to even bury six million bodies? That's a lot of open pit ditches, so if there were evidence, then there would be massive earthworks that had been scraped out of the forest and then the bodies would be tossed into them. Now, you might say they were tossed into furnaces, still, there would have to be fuel for the fires. Lots of trees or coal. Who chopped down the trees, and more importantly, how was the fuel transported? She has a point, let's see the graves of the six million jews. Certainly ground penetrating radar could be brought into play and analyzed the results. But why won't the government do this simple act? Maybe if they did it would prove her point. BTW, is the AIPAC in the back pockets of the German political leaders? Just curious.
Even with witnesses they can't have seen more than a few hundred or thousand and maybe the reason they are dead was different than we were told even if somewhat true? Our job is to question everything and the facts are that logistically it is impossible and doesn't make sense from even a resource standpoint.
It does make me wonder about all the supposed deaths of Covid-19 and the vaccine. I haven't seen any of the bodies people are talking about either. If millions had been dying, wouldn't we see these bodies piled up in the streets? I wonder how often we're being lied to about these things.
During covid it was just misclassifying deaths. Post covid its vaccine deaths but I think the aging boomer generation kind of masks the deaths because it is a huge generation. I think a lot are just dying 10 years earlier than they would.
In the middle of a war, with their country getting pounded day and night, do you think the German Army would have the resources to even bury six million bodies? That's a lot of open pit ditches, so if there were evidence, then there would be massive earthworks that had been scraped out of the forest and then the bodies would be tossed into them. Now, you might say they were tossed into furnaces, still, there would have to be fuel for the fires. Lots of trees or coal. Who chopped down the trees, and more importantly, how was the fuel transported? She has a point, let's see the graves of the six million jews. Certainly ground penetrating radar could be brought into play and analyzed the results. But why won't the government do this simple act? Maybe if they did it would prove her point. BTW, is the AIPAC in the back pockets of the German political leaders? Just curious.
Even with witnesses they can't have seen more than a few hundred or thousand and maybe the reason they are dead was different than we were told even if somewhat true? Our job is to question everything and the facts are that logistically it is impossible and doesn't make sense from even a resource standpoint.
Official Documents - red cross 1 - red cross 2 - red cross 3
Red Cross claims just over 271,000 of all ethnicity died in all the camps
mainly Typhoid
I'm not sure I would trust the Red Cross statistics. They're run by the elite cabal, basically the Josef Mengele of the New World Order.
It does make me wonder about all the supposed deaths of Covid-19 and the vaccine. I haven't seen any of the bodies people are talking about either. If millions had been dying, wouldn't we see these bodies piled up in the streets? I wonder how often we're being lied to about these things.
During covid it was just misclassifying deaths. Post covid its vaccine deaths but I think the aging boomer generation kind of masks the deaths because it is a huge generation. I think a lot are just dying 10 years earlier than they would.
It was a cholera outbreak.