Most people. It is incredible to sit down with someone like my parents, give them massive amounts of financial data, macro and micro economics, and what is going to happen.
And they shake their head, refuse to learn or see the reality of what is about to happen. Granted, things did not go as fast as I thought they would, but it will still happen. There is no stopping the damage central banking and the cabal have done to this country, the dollar, and every other illegal shit they've done.
I want the shitshow to happen. I'm franky sick and tired of ignorant, lazy people who can't see the writing on the wall. This country needs to be kicked in the mouth.
Most people. It is incredible to sit down with someone like my parents, give them massive amounts of financial data, macro and micro economics, and what is going to happen. And they shake their head, refuse to learn or see the reality of what is about to happen. Granted, things did not go as fast as I thought they would, but it will still happen. There is no stopping the damage central banking and the cabal have done to this country, the dollar, and every other illegal shit they've done.
I want the shitshow to happen. I'm franky sick and tired of ignorant, lazy people who can't see the writing on the wall. This country needs to be kicked in the mouth.
Unfortunately, it will be We The People who either rebuild our very existence, or succumb to the forces that ended other empires.
At the very least, meet someone who grows local food and SUPPORT THEM.