posted ago by changeagent ago by changeagent +20 / -0

For a while, now, I have been gradually migrating from "We won't get to the 2024 election," to "Trump will 'lose' the 2024 election as part of the Precipice."

It got me thinking about the many possibilities, and the various consideration so I thought I would post and see what others think.

Let me start with what I think are the 3 most likely big picture scenarios (this is all just my opinion).

  1. The election occurs. Trump and MAGA dominate everywhere at all levels. After he takes office, the pace of change quickens. Everyone is mostly happy. I say "mostly" because those of us wanting justice regarding 2020, as well as justice with respect to all of the criminal activity will not occur. Why do I think that? Well, the election will be like a catharsis for a large portion of the people who want change but who do not yet believe or understand all of the horrific evil and crime that exists with the cabal. So, any serving of justice after the election would start to seem like retribution and a dicatorship (obviously it would be justified, but tens of millions of Americans will not agree and we will end up remaining divided). So, I do not see the "normal" process unfolding, and we then carry on until the next election.

  2. The election does not occur because of some type of event, or, the 2020 steal is finally proven and thus 2020 is reversed, and the military steps in to provide stability until things get figured out. Then we learn about the fraud and the Republic vs Corporate state, and new elections are held to restore Republic. This could be a part of the Precipice. But, I like the next scenario better, because there are still way too many Americans who are clueless about 2020 and other things that are criminal and evil..m and these people just think "it's politics" and they go back to watching Fox or CNN. We need to shock everyone.

  3. My new opinion is that the election will occur and Trump will "lose" . With so many stories about Dems preparing for Trump to win, that everyone, and I mean everyone, will be assuming Trump will win. So, when the results are shaped/scripted to show Trump losing, e very single person will say "no way is this possible... someone rigged it.". At that point the military does step in, fraud is immediately found/proven (days, not months/years, because it's all scripted), and the bad guys are rounded up. This leads to an "investigation" into 2020 which quickly shows it was stolen, giving basis for rolling back everything done under FJB's tenure. Also, it leads to more questions... Who was behind this? Oh, a Cabal? Satanic? Pedos? And it all comes out while everyone is tuned in and wanting to know the rest of the story.

So, what about a scare event? What about the global network of evil people? I think all of this gets caught in the flood that begins with the awakening jolt from the Trump loss. Most humans need a reason to want to know more, and Trump losing after the huge buildup of him winning will be that jolt.

Obviously there are many other possible scenarios. The good news is that the preparation is somewhat the same for all: God, popcorn, family, peace, trust, do your role, etc.
