You should get out of regional banks and get a Chase account. The regional banks and small credit unions are mostly underwater due to allot of FED trickery… high interest rates people aren’t getting loans and because of tight budgets they aren’t paying the loans off. The regional banks are holding the bags on this one. Property values are going to go down and the loans they put out for people to buy are going to go upside down, bonds upside down, and much more. If the fed continues to hold interest rates or even go higher banks will start collapsing, I mean, “consolidating” faster and faster. If they lower interest rates it just means they are printing more money and inflation goes up. There really is no win here. My money is in gold, silver, and crypto. Gold is most certain it is the standard. Silver may be a massive play but it not as guaranteed as gold even though it is much more useful. Crypto to be diversified and play the lottery.
There is going to be a massive consolidation of banks who don’t have the capital to continue running in a lean environment and I suspect Chase will be perfectly positioned to acquire most all of them. So if you’re using a bank Chase will likely be safe but it’s good to diversify with banks. Just have a few months operating cost in your bank some cash at home and the bulk in precious metals because the dollar is dying and it’s dying fast.
I was going to sign off with “HODL GME” but forgot. I do HODL lead as well but I’m not always sure it’s as good as it once was considering the weapons like space lasers, tornado generators, and gain of function our actual enemy’s have these days. I suspect when the masses wake up to their enslavement they may begin to see all of a sudden that we are all in common.
Hmmm...I don't like the way this sounds. Guess it's time to move more money out of BofA and into....Credit Union?
You should get out of regional banks and get a Chase account. The regional banks and small credit unions are mostly underwater due to allot of FED trickery… high interest rates people aren’t getting loans and because of tight budgets they aren’t paying the loans off. The regional banks are holding the bags on this one. Property values are going to go down and the loans they put out for people to buy are going to go upside down, bonds upside down, and much more. If the fed continues to hold interest rates or even go higher banks will start collapsing, I mean, “consolidating” faster and faster. If they lower interest rates it just means they are printing more money and inflation goes up. There really is no win here. My money is in gold, silver, and crypto. Gold is most certain it is the standard. Silver may be a massive play but it not as guaranteed as gold even though it is much more useful. Crypto to be diversified and play the lottery.
There is going to be a massive consolidation of banks who don’t have the capital to continue running in a lean environment and I suspect Chase will be perfectly positioned to acquire most all of them. So if you’re using a bank Chase will likely be safe but it’s good to diversify with banks. Just have a few months operating cost in your bank some cash at home and the bulk in precious metals because the dollar is dying and it’s dying fast.
I have chase only for my bills. I moved all my other money out into silver, GME, cash and lead
I was going to sign off with “HODL GME” but forgot. I do HODL lead as well but I’m not always sure it’s as good as it once was considering the weapons like space lasers, tornado generators, and gain of function our actual enemy’s have these days. I suspect when the masses wake up to their enslavement they may begin to see all of a sudden that we are all in common.