Nice gesture but meaningless. Gaetz already talked about this on Tim Poole, there is some 5 person committee in the House (3R 2D) that can vote 3-2 to label the J6 Committee illegitimate, and essentially nullify the subpoenas. They can then tell this to the court and inform them that the committee was illegitimate and the subpoenas are null
Ever notice how they all have a part to play? Remember when all of the Rhino GOP were dropping out? They were there just to hamstring the good guys. They almost succeeded. Now each Congressman not being black mailed or being saved by the White Hats is stepping up. They know it’s us or them. Time to act now that they have protection.
Tit for tat. If the DOJ don’t hold Garland responsible for refusing to cough up video recordings, then Navarro and Bannon should not be in prison for a supposed crime of thinking they had immunity. Equal justice for all.
He’s serious about this stuff, y’all! Know him personally and he walks the walk. Had a long discussion with him about every Q topic we could think of without saying Q and he is 💯 on board and knew everything we were discussing. His kiddos are homeschooled as well and participate in a Christian school co-op. He needs our prayers for sure!!!
Took long enough. Better late than never though.
I was thinking the same thing as I was reading that.
3 years too late. Put the fake committee in jail. Then we will smile.
What has happened and is happening to J6ers makes me sick.
Yep. Still getting rounded up.
Nice gesture but meaningless. Gaetz already talked about this on Tim Poole, there is some 5 person committee in the House (3R 2D) that can vote 3-2 to label the J6 Committee illegitimate, and essentially nullify the subpoenas. They can then tell this to the court and inform them that the committee was illegitimate and the subpoenas are null
Lip service, but why now?
You don’t score any points from me, lazy Republicans with NO balls
Ever notice how they all have a part to play? Remember when all of the Rhino GOP were dropping out? They were there just to hamstring the good guys. They almost succeeded. Now each Congressman not being black mailed or being saved by the White Hats is stepping up. They know it’s us or them. Time to act now that they have protection.
Tit for tat. If the DOJ don’t hold Garland responsible for refusing to cough up video recordings, then Navarro and Bannon should not be in prison for a supposed crime of thinking they had immunity. Equal justice for all.
I hope it will work . So far we have seen strong wording
He’s serious about this stuff, y’all! Know him personally and he walks the walk. Had a long discussion with him about every Q topic we could think of without saying Q and he is 💯 on board and knew everything we were discussing. His kiddos are homeschooled as well and participate in a Christian school co-op. He needs our prayers for sure!!!