Funny how the apostles kept it after he died, and how he said he came to fulfill the law, not abolish it, and how he pointed out that not one jot or tittle shall pass away till heaven and earth pass away.
So since according to your claim we aren’t on earth, for it has passed away, where prithee are we, and why do things look so bad when all has already been accomplished?
Our Lord’s Word is unchanging and eternal, but He’s got His finger all over the Delete button?
The festival by which he delivered Israel from the Egyptians and by which we were to recognize the Messiah is Ba’al worship now?
You should consider your words more carefully.
Or perhaps you are more fascinated with death and vengeance than salvation, mercy, and life, and already have considered your words?
My hope is that you humble yourself and study the scriptures.
The law that I am open by my understanding to having been done away with through fulfillment, not abolition, is the Law of Sin and Death, which was the law around which the sacrificial system was built, that law was fulfilled, and thus no longer necessary to any who accept the atoning covering of Jesus’ blood.
We, then, having accepted that offering, in turn offer our own bodies as a living sacrifice, through a process of continually repenting, praying, and doing our best to follow the Law, or “Teachings”, as it could more accurately be translated. Through this, our obedience is counted as our righteousness, and we may enter into Life.
Funny how the apostles kept it after he died, and how he said he came to fulfill the law, not abolish it, and how he pointed out that not one jot or tittle shall pass away till heaven and earth pass away.
So since according to your claim we aren’t on earth, for it has passed away, where prithee are we, and why do things look so bad when all has already been accomplished?
Our Lord’s Word is unchanging and eternal, but He’s got His finger all over the Delete button?
The festival by which he delivered Israel from the Egyptians and by which we were to recognize the Messiah is Ba’al worship now?
You should consider your words more carefully.
Or perhaps you are more fascinated with death and vengeance than salvation, mercy, and life, and already have considered your words?
My hope is that you humble yourself and study the scriptures.
The law that I am open by my understanding to having been done away with through fulfillment, not abolition, is the Law of Sin and Death, which was the law around which the sacrificial system was built, that law was fulfilled, and thus no longer necessary to any who accept the atoning covering of Jesus’ blood.
We, then, having accepted that offering, in turn offer our own bodies as a living sacrifice, through a process of continually repenting, praying, and doing our best to follow the Law, or “Teachings”, as it could more accurately be translated. Through this, our obedience is counted as our righteousness, and we may enter into Life.