from the replies:
Ironically, the yellow fever vaccine, made with human serum also, was contaminated with hep b and ultimately caused over 300,000 cases of hep b…
Looking forward to see this investigation unfold. I lived in NYC in the 80’s. Remember hearing talk about the Hep B vaccine as a potential cause of AIDS. Was a terrible time watching dear friends die a harrowing death. Nothing surprises me anymore. I think Lyme, Ebola, AIDS were man made due to scientific interference. And of course Covid.
There was a great little documentary from the early 00’s which laid all of these out. I’ll look for it and post here when I find it.
I watched entire video. Is the assertion ultimately that tainted HepB vaxxes caused the aids crises? Is this the same HepB vax they try to give kids the day they are born? the 50s version or the 70s?
I’m gonna bump this up. It’s far more in depth and goes back to the 1960’s. to bring you on a voyage you won’t forget.
Siri: "Is that publicly available at the University of Philadelphia?" .. .. Plotkin: "..are you accusing me of launching AIDS..?" Quote
Mike_Muffler @mike_muffler · Jun 22, 2023 Replying to @mike_muffler @AaronSiriSG and @joerogan Siri: "Is that publicly available at the University of Philadelphia?" .. .. Plotkin: "..are you accusing me of launching AIDS..?" Show more Embedded videos: || || || || ||
This is the one right here... The origin of the AIDS virus
Excellent find, fren. So SV40 enzyme / virus / particle from monkeys has been a jab contaminant for a lot longer than just the c19 jab, despite synthetic alternatives that could easily replace the outdated and demonstrably harmful ground-up monkey kidneys practice. Astonishing.
So when it came out - confirmed by Health Canada - that SV40 in C19 jabs causes cancer, what they were really saying is it causes the collection of symptoms we call AIDS. And this has been known for probably half a century.
And hamster ovaries likely contribute to PCOS which is rampant today