Hey guys, had an idea and thought I'd run it by y'all.
For the mass deportation of illegals, could it be possible for President Trump to call on us Americans to partner up with the military to oust the illegals?
I was thinking there would be garrisons in each state where the military would swear us in and do whatever, then we'd clean sweep the regions relatively quickly. I'm sure the lot of us that are capable would be willing to serve.
How about we make a law that anyone that has entered the US in the past 20 years illegally, must serve 10 years in a federal prison effective immediately. Make the news loud and public and give them all 30 days, then here we come. Wonder how many would leave?
Might not work as you think. The illegals know that our prison system is like Club Med compared to their crappy third world towns. If they go back home they will not have free televison, air conditioning, food, and they will have to work to feed themselves, whereas if they stay in a Federal Prison in America they get free air conditioning, 3 hots and a cot, free cloths, free medical care, free dental, etc..... Gotta make their stay in prison a deterent to want to remain in America. My wife worked for a lawyer. One day an illegal came in and needed his help. He was wrongly charged for a crime(true story) and decided to take the fall and a few years in prison instead of going back to his South American home country. He knew he'd be killed if he was deported, so he took the guilty plea. Stories like this make me wonder how Q will force these folks to want to go back home where their live will be threatened.
So we cut all that shit off
Yeah forget putting them up taxper expense for all that time just tell them “see ya later don’t come back”