"You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophecy of you, when he said: 'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'"
This pretty much sums up the leaders of the false religions in the world. Catholicism is doing exactly what the jews in Jesus' day did in setting aside God's word for their own so-called traditions and rules, which by the way reflect the contemporary thinkings of the time. Hence, why the Catholic Church persecuted people like Martin Luther for pointing out corruption in the Church and even executed people like William Tyndale for the crime of translating the Bible. This is reflected now with the Church pushing the globohomo agenda, being no different really that the so-called progressive churches we see now.
Catholicism is doing exactly what the jews in Jesus' day did in setting aside God's word for their own so-called traditions and rules, which by the way reflect the contemporary thinkings of the time. Hence, why the Catholic Church persecuted people like Martin Luther for pointing out corruption in the Church and even executed people like William Tyndale for the crime of translating the Bible.
I wish I could quote this a thousand times, or one for each year of darkness that whore of a church wrought on the world, however many years that would be! And it still wouldn't be enough as I'm sure there are many more horrors which have gone undocumented!
There was a book called "The Devil's Bagpipes" and it was about Martin Luther. Apparently, he was very ... ambitious (he wanted to be made a bishop), prideful, admitted to staying up late talking to demons, one of his "friends" had a very questionable drowning, and he was a drunkard.
"You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophecy of you, when he said: 'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'"
This pretty much sums up the leaders of the false religions in the world. Catholicism is doing exactly what the jews in Jesus' day did in setting aside God's word for their own so-called traditions and rules, which by the way reflect the contemporary thinkings of the time. Hence, why the Catholic Church persecuted people like Martin Luther for pointing out corruption in the Church and even executed people like William Tyndale for the crime of translating the Bible. This is reflected now with the Church pushing the globohomo agenda, being no different really that the so-called progressive churches we see now.
I wish I could quote this a thousand times, or one for each year of darkness that whore of a church wrought on the world, however many years that would be! And it still wouldn't be enough as I'm sure there are many more horrors which have gone undocumented!
Don't put luther on a pedestal, he spoke to demons.
Also coming from a longtime lutheran
I'm not, but he was right in his protest. There are tons of people who get things right but also get other things extremely wrong.
Catholics probably hate me on here, rarely do they engage, just downvote and move on yes? Smh
Let's go! Fight me!
Correct. The Catholic Church has needed some course correcting, much like today.
I believe he got rid of satan by throwing an inkwell at him.
In what context did Luther speak to demons? I'm not disagreeing, I'm genuinely curious.
Edit: Downvoted for literally just asking a question lol
There was a book called "The Devil's Bagpipes" and it was about Martin Luther. Apparently, he was very ... ambitious (he wanted to be made a bishop), prideful, admitted to staying up late talking to demons, one of his "friends" had a very questionable drowning, and he was a drunkard.
Also possible that this book is misinformation.