posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +22 / -0


An interesting tour through a bizarre yet familiar landscape. I can't vouch for the particulars, but I suspect there's a lot of truth here. And the story is just removed enough from daily life to make it go down easier for people than a detailed look at modern reality, while still opening minds up to the true nature of what we are facing.

. . . Anyways, to make a long story short for newcomers, I picked up a book many months ago about an ancient Werewolf-themed Cult named the Koryos, and this finding—much to my surprise—enabled me to piece together a veritable galaxy’s worth of data into a coherent picture.

I do not claim that this picture amounts to a complete “theory of everything” in regards to the Cabal; however, I’m certain that this series has uncovered many truths about history, the occult, geopolitics, and psychology that have never been assembled into one series before.

. . . The Koryos have influenced the course of human history in a way that few appreciate, because evidence of their existence has been kept very well hidden, until they were extensively covered by an anonymous author named Rogue Hypnotist (the very man whose books convinced me of the value of learning hypnotism).

Evidence of the cult can be found in Ukraine, Romania, amongst the Aztecs, and even in places as geographically distant as Africa and New Zealand. We know they existed as far in the past as 2,000-3,000 BC, and yet, their influence can be observed in the music industry and Hollywood to this very day.

Many ancient fairy tales are likely veiled warnings about this cult—the “magic potions” of ancient witches may, at least in certain circumstances, refer to the drug cocktails that they would use to intoxicate and seduce people into their ranks.

Important Details of the Cult

The Koryos were famous for using the lure of drugs and sex to seduce primarily young people into their ranks.

Everything they did was about defying nature and inverting traditional morality—consequently, they worshipped hermaphrodism, and abolished any semblance of traditional family formation amongst themselves. Men were “romantic” with men, and women were “romantic” with women—I put “romantic” in quotes because their concept of romance has little to do with genuine love or affection. They believed that one could switch sexes by merely imagining themselves to be the opposite sex.

Is any of this starting to sound familiar?

. . . Conclusion, For Now

Coming full circle to where we started, the purpose of all the above research is to help us learn how to accurately identify what’s happening in the world today. That’s really what this is all about.

It’s well known by conspiracy researchers that the power structures of the world are psychopathic and occult in nature, and this is why I’ve spent a lot of time researching those two topics in particular. The fact of the matter is that psychopathic, occult ideologies are at cause for much of what we see taking place in the world, and the more of us learn the history and psychology of the dark occult, the better we can articulate our present situation.

Centuries ago—back when lycanthropy (aka, werewolfism) was declared a crime in France—it was believed by many Christians that you could bring a werewolf back to their senses by saying their true Christian name three times. Isn’t that remarkable?

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of calling things by what they truly are.

We are not merely facing a geopolitical battle—what is taking place right now is a battle for the soul mankind against a force so evil that many good people struggle to comprehend it even exists. And this battle has, by all appearances, been going on throughout the entirety of recorded history. I believe that the moment a sufficient number of us recognize the true scope of what’s happening AND are able to accurately articulate it, this evil will be defeated once and for all.

As I’ve pointed out before—despite all appearances, the necessity for nonstop propaganda proves that, as Q said, the thing that scares the cabal the most is being accurately identified. (The same is true of psychopaths in general).

If the Cabal feels existentially threatened by a mass awakening, then this shows us beyond any shadow of a doubt that we DO have what it takes to win.

We’ve covered a tremendous amount of ground, and I appreciate you guys sticking along for the ride. You are learning things that almost no one in the English speaking world knows… yet.

Stay tuned, because even more startling disclosures about the past and the present are on their way …