Tesla battery dies without warning, trapping toddler inside during sweltering Arizona summer
Let me start out by alleviating any distress because the baby girl was just fine (toxic masculinity to the rescue!), but this story points out what could have been another very deadly design flaw of electric vehicles.On Wednesday, a local outlet ...
You definitely need to carry multiple window breaker tools.
Also remember that breaker tools don’t work on laminated glass. Most if not all Tesla windows (as well as most cars built since 2017 at least for front passenger door windows) are now laminated and must be cut out or use major tools to get through.
Firefighter here…with major tools.
Designing a car that requires power only to unlock/open doors seems like a stupid design choice.
I am NEVER parking one of these in my garage or near the house.
I've only seen one car fire in my life and it had been driving down the highway when it caught fire due to a fuel leak in the engine bay. It's only EVs that seem to just spontaneously combust while not in use.
"BuT IcE CaRs CatCh oN fIrE AlL thE TimE, IT's JusT UnDer-RePorTed" was the parroted excuse back when I used to read Slashdot (I left in 2020 when they went full COVID-tard right from the start of the year. In retrospect they might have been used as part of the push as they were spewing BlueAnon-type conspiracy theories that the governments where hiding how bad the virus really was and that really way more people had already died and so on.).
this is not a story about an EV catching fire.
I once saw a woman driving down the road with the whole underside of her car on fire. She was totally unaware, as the flames were being drawn underneath and behind her. She finally figured it out and pulled off to the side of the road and got out of the car in time. The car, however, continued to burn, but it didn't explode.
Why are they using an AI generated image?