posted ago by Smellorama ago by Smellorama +17 / -0


Over registration is a prevalent factor in fraudulent activity. Especially with registered voters that never vote.

I expect that all of this has been thought of before and our corrupt congress monkeys will never do it, but it would put an end to the voter roll cleanup problems and seems worthy of consideration.


  1. Any voter registration that goes unused for more than two years is automatically declared dormant and removed from the rolls.

That voter will be notified by electronic and paper mail that re-registration is necessary for them to participate in any upcoming elections.

If a person votes regularly they will not be affected.

  1. All voter registration promotion will be discontinued and made illegal.

If a person wants to vote they must make the specific effort to complete the steps necessary on their own with no influence or other incentive.


Online registration with ID will be quick and easy.

Citizens will be able to register at their driver's license office but any motor-voter automatic registration laws are to be repealed.

Voter registration will be made available at local City Halls, Post Offices and Public Libraries.

Absentee voting with current registration and by specific request will be allowed.


Remember, even though something is promoted as a good thing there is always another agenda behind it.

"Get Out The Vote" etc. benefits the ones doing the promotion or they would not be doing it.

"The welfare of humanity has always been the alibi of tyrants."

Christine Anderson MEP
