Long time ago, the Department of Education was a little back office attached (I think) to HEW or some other federal government agency. It did little and America had an excellent education system, mostly run by local boards and citizens.
When that office was elevated to a cabinet-level agency, you can track American education scores in literacy, mathematics, and other metrics in a steady decline ever since that agency was created. They have had their fingers in every school system in the nation and have ruined a once-great system.
A pox on the Dept. of Education, in fact a pox on ALL federal agencies. If they were all shuttered and the personnel fired, America might have a chance at greatness again. I would leave only one agency intact, the National Parks Administration, the rest have outlived their usefulness, if they ever WERE useful at all.
Add to that, in the obummer era, they order billions, with a B, rounds of ammunition for all of these departments. This is what drove the price thru the roof. The manufactures were prioritized on fed procurement orders. Still wondering what these small departments were / are doing with the huge amounts of rounds (way over the standards from previous years). Was it simply a way to reduce availability to the general public or to stock up for future brownshirt exercises (or both).
Keep the military, post office and national transportation/ highways maintenance. And Congress has to take back the coining of our money. They neglected their constitutional duty and shopped it out to an evil dynasty that's ripping us off and enslaving us. But I'd like to see Homeland Security, C_A and FEMA go away next. The health industry and its regulation needs to be reorganized too. Trump has so much work to do.
Long time ago, the Department of Education was a little back office attached (I think) to HEW or some other federal government agency. It did little and America had an excellent education system, mostly run by local boards and citizens.
When that office was elevated to a cabinet-level agency, you can track American education scores in literacy, mathematics, and other metrics in a steady decline ever since that agency was created. They have had their fingers in every school system in the nation and have ruined a once-great system.
A pox on the Dept. of Education, in fact a pox on ALL federal agencies. If they were all shuttered and the personnel fired, America might have a chance at greatness again. I would leave only one agency intact, the National Parks Administration, the rest have outlived their usefulness, if they ever WERE useful at all.
Take away their SWAT team though. Give them fire extinguishers.
What the hell does the NPA have a SWAT team for? Bigfoot attacks?
Conservative Campers.
You know, the kind that will take over a fire tower.
Add to that, in the obummer era, they order billions, with a B, rounds of ammunition for all of these departments. This is what drove the price thru the roof. The manufactures were prioritized on fed procurement orders. Still wondering what these small departments were / are doing with the huge amounts of rounds (way over the standards from previous years). Was it simply a way to reduce availability to the general public or to stock up for future brownshirt exercises (or both).
one example: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ralphbenko/2013/03/11/1-6-billion-rounds-of-ammo-for-homeland-security-its-time-for-a-national-conversation/
Keep the military, post office and national transportation/ highways maintenance. And Congress has to take back the coining of our money. They neglected their constitutional duty and shopped it out to an evil dynasty that's ripping us off and enslaving us. But I'd like to see Homeland Security, C_A and FEMA go away next. The health industry and its regulation needs to be reorganized too. Trump has so much work to do.
Maybe if he picks the right VP candidate, that person could carry on the mission for two more terms.