112 June 24 - The Lockbit ransomware group announced that it had breached the US Federal Reserve and exfiltrated 33 TB of sensitive data. (securityaffairs.com) posted 223 days ago by Speakfree 223 days ago by Speakfree +112 / -0 LockBit claims the hack of the US Federal Reserve The Lockbit ransomware group announced that it had breached the US Federal Reserve and exfiltrated 33 TB of sensitive data. 21 comments share 21 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Why threaten? Do it, or don't. Threats are what children do when they're pissed at mommy and daddy for taking away their favorite toy.
I smell a rat.
As far as I know its a way to get money. This isnt another 'zomg im gonna release the video blackmail!"
Its "hey I got cryptic login data and information and access to it, if you dont give me 75,000$ I am going to sell it in pieces on the dark web."
Make sense?