45 **THROUGH** 47 = POTUS Trump Hat??? COMMS??? πŸ€”πŸ’­ Theory πŸ˜²πŸ’‘
posted ago by SvixGale ago by SvixGale +24 / -0

Please refer to linked photo, sourced from this politico.com article: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/23/biden-trump-finances-00164566

I put an arrow on the image to highlight, but the side of POTUS Trumps' hat clearly reads "45-47" = which I read as "45 THROUGH 47" Not "45 AND 47"; but 45, AND 46, AND 47........

Unless I'm insane or that uneducated; if you wanted to tell someone, "I want numbers 45 and 47" you would put "45 (&) (+) 47; not "45 - 47"; the "-" dash indicates the whole series; 45, AND 46, AND 47... not ONLY 45 AND 47......

Is this a tiny little COMM to let us know who's ACTUALLY still POTUS / CinC???? I read this as Trump potentially telegraphing that he IS POTUS #46.....


What do you frens think?

Hopium, or too far out there / too big a stretch?