So, some random people on TV said that they could become a girl, you just need to cut your dick off and take some pills.
These retards BELIEVED the strangers on TV.
They went ahead and cut their dicks off, made a fake vagina using their rectum. Now, they have a shit-smelling vagina.
I used to shake my head at disgust, but now, I find it absolutely hilarious. When I see them on twitter or tiktok, I just laugh. It really is comical that these retards fell for the most obvious piece of propaganda that no one should believe, but they did.
Incredible. Is it sinful to laugh at this? I find it better than getting angry
I tried to submit this suggestion to the Babylon Bee just now but the stupid Captcha thing didn't work, and it got erased. If anyone else can figure it out and pass it along, thanks in advance :)
Unsatisfied with 'Pride' Month, Democrats Assign Months to Remaining 6 Deadly Sins, Solicit Nominations for 5 More to Round Out Calendar
"It's just crazy that we have months without the systematic, institutionalized violation of societal customs and norms of behavior, along with ridicule and persecution of the majority who disagree," said a democratic strategist on condition of anonymity. "This must be fixed immediately."
It was not clear as of this writing what type of additional deadly sins would be considered; however, the spokesperson affirmed that this would be a hot topic of discussion at the next global oligarchs meeting.