Been doing some research for a few family members. Apparently most states (39) require cats and dogs to be vaccinated or you can get fined if someone turns you in.
Beyond that, they, like most of us, don't trust ANY pharma company anymore, even when it comes to their pets.
In my own research, I've found that there's plenty of people saying it's just a scam, that the first puppy shot is more than enough, and at most a single booster is good for a lifetime when it comes to rabies shots for dogs.
So figured I'd ask my favorite autistic experts, what's the consensus on pet vaccines and rabies shots? Do they actually NEED more than the initial puppy shots, or is this another thing that should be ignored?
The polio vaccine had simian virus 40 (SV40,) a known tumor-causing carcinogen that is contagious.
Yes and we see a huge increase in soft tissue cancers in the generation who received them.
Would you rather have polio? I had a friend in high school who’s dad had it. He was one of the lucky ones that didn’t die. Did the iron lung hen when was a kid, wore steel leg braces and crutches to get around when I knew him. I never got tumors or polio either. I got like 6 vaccines total, not anything like now.
Others say DDT was the culprit
Infectious disease deaths declined by nearly 90% before vaccines were introduced
Some people think polio was invented to cover up for arsenic poisonings that happened before it was apparent that arsenic can really fuck you up. They used to spray it on orchards as a pesticide.
And they literally were spraying school houses and children in pesticides, lining the kids up and spraying from head to toe…