Either the Dems pull him aside and make a deal (which would never happen). Or, RFK somehow gets propped up by Trump or the media because he is as far as I’m concerned the only “Democrat” that has a chance of being able to get on a ballot in the general for all 50 states within this current timeframe.
And I don’t think Trump would be happy ending up as President simply by default. So he’s gonna make sure he runs against SOMEBODY.
This is NOT a “vote for RFK or RFK for VP) post. This is a “it looks like RFK WON’T be siphoning ballots from Biden. If Biden dropped out, and the new nominee isn’t appealing to voters and/or can’t get on the ballot, where does that leave RFK Jr since he was believed to be siphoning Dem votes.
So why has Big Mike been pretty much in hiding ever since Barry left office?
Change of Batter coming?
WHY WAS SHE 'saved' from officially announcing?
WHY WAS SHE 'reserved' for a last minute change?
How do you attempt to 'sneak one in'?