BIG Bibl[i]cal Events coming over the next several days. If [P]ossible, be with your Family Sunday Jun 30th... [G]od Wins. Eyes [2] the...
For sauce, first ask yourself What did Trump gift the pope?
What is the significance of the Lotus?
WHO is the Lotus?
We all have so much fvcking more than we know.
The Keystone - T CrB (Corona Borealis). Relation? Solar/Celestial phenomena - Sky Event. Relation?
0:57 [Jun30] is a day to remember.
[non-Q coms everywhere if you can SEE]
Learn to understand the QClock.
0:57 to 0:00 Big
0:00 to 0:10 Bigger
"Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
"From the time that the daily sacrifice [Trafficking] is abolished and the abomination ['Biden'] that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 1.17 EO?
[2020 Election] "Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days."
"In the end, All Shall Be One And One Shall Be All!" ~ Hermes Trismegistus
Edit 2:35am: to be clear I'm suggesting something big is linked to that date. Anything is just conjecture/conversation. Because I have no idea, just like the rest of you guys.
It came from the movie White Squall afaik. Also I could say that what Q meant by using it was:
"united in purpose of exposing and defeating [the cabal]" (Could be a lil snarky usage of their own philosophies...or could be something else / what I said + somethings else...)
it's in brackets to show that it's the target, and it is quite a loaded term, encompassing numerous groups around the world as well as numerous agendas, but for one ultimate goal. Some lean more on x, others on y, but they all seek z.
u/winn regardless of what movie it was in, it's one of the most commonly known hermetic slogans dating back to the middle ages at a bare minimum. I private messaged you to explain a little better Re:: "sun god worship" vis a vis the Lotus
"In a time that is yet unborn, all shall be One and One shall be All."
I can see this being a meaning of WWG1WGA but also see it meaning what I said about united in purpose, in common enemy, in our own little's a great troll too.
However if MAGA begins to go the route of Nazi Germany, let's say, in terms of "WWG1WGA", then there will need to be a shit-ton of alarms sounded. However based on the apparant trajectory things allude to the opposite. We are told to think for ourselves and even question Trump. Time will tell, and Jesus is Lord, halellujah 👊
The driver here is desperation, the acts of a "savior", and the trust placed in such a person tho wield power in such a way as to always benefit the well being of the people.
Such power requires the surrender of the authority of the individual. And therein lies the rub. You would not surrender your own authority.
An imperial presidency is actually very close to the position acquired by Hitler. And such a position was never envisioned by the founders, not even when they had to amend the articles of confederation into the Constitution to facilitate the resolution of the debt situation.
However, the imposition of war required another amendment which lead into the 1933 disaster, giving rise to facilitation of the power of the deep state.
kek 😆❤️
The point that I'm trying to get across is that WWG1WGA is a direct, deliberate play on a hermetic slogan and Trump/Q et. al. KNOW it.
that's one hell of a troll 😂