If Biden chooses to resign AFTER the convention, then the DNC gets to have a meeting and basically choose who they want to give all these delegates to as their new front runner. They made these new rules back in 2022 because this was always the plan. They realized they couldn’t rig it with the super delegates anymore after they pissed off their own base with Bernie so this was their new solution to still installing who they want.
A: If Biden steps down after the August convention, the 435 members of the Democratic National Committee would choose a new candidate. The members would meet in a special session to select a nominee.
A: They are divided equally between men and women as well as various constituency groups including labor leaders, LGBTQ representatives, and racial minorities. Of the total, 75 are appointed at-large by the chair, while the rest are elected in their respective states.
A: To nominate a candidate to replace Biden on the ballot, that person would have to have the support of a minimum number of DNC members -- perhaps around 60, though the exact number would be determined by the DNC's rules committee, which would lay out the rules for the proceedings before they started.
First sauce: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/how-democrats-could-replace-biden-presidential-candidate-before-november-2024-06-28/
Under Article 2 of The Bylaws of the Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has the responsibility to fill vacancies in presidential and vice presidential nominations between national conventions.
In the event of a vacancy on the national ticket, the chairperson would call a special meeting. Under Article 2 § 8(d), questions before the DNC, with some exceptions otherwise outlined in the charter and bylaws, are determined by a majority vote of the DNC members who are present and voting by proxy. The bylaws also state that voting to fill a vacancy on the national ticket must proceed in accordance with procedural rules adopted by the Rules and Bylaws Committee and approved by the DNC.
Second sauce: https://ballotpedia.org/State_laws_and_party_rules_on_replacing_a_presidential_nominee,_2024
Id also like to reference this Q post that specifically talks about this:
Why are they pushing back the [D] convention?
COVID-19 concern or strategic for last minute change?
Change of Batter coming?
WHY WAS SHE 'saved' from officially announcing?
WHY WAS SHE 'reserved' for a last minute change?
How do you attempt to 'sneak one in'?
I’d have to say I disagree with that article because it relies completely on the premise of switching out Biden before the convention. It doesn’t take into account that the DNC has actual bylaws on replacing the candidate after the convention. Then an entire new set of laws apply within those states the article referenced.
Yes. I want to know what would happen in this situation:
Biden is named the candidate at the DNC.
After that, Biden states he will serve out his term but will not accept the presidency should he "win" in the November election.
There is something of a precedent for this in 1964, when LBJ was president but refused to serve another term if elected.
What would happen now, if Candidate Biden simply refused to serve another term? I had the impression that in that situation - he's nominated, but decides not to run - the Dems simply get to name their own replacement.
That means no Kamala and no 25th, since he's not dead and not being removed.