posted ago by Christine_grab ago by Christine_grab +47 / -0

u/Yinz posted this a few weeks ago and it didn't get much attention: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKeAs96i/this-missed-my-radar-ebay-stalke/c/

I am reposting with a TLDW to help raise awareness of what kind of weird things our federal government is up to.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=GnQMuS87gLw

The video is 44-minute video (first 2-minutes are ads). Here is my summary:

In 2019, a husband-wife blogger duo said some critical —but fair —things about e-bay on their blog, which was quite popular and had a big following. Angered by the negative PR, the e-bay president (or was he CEO?) decided to get even. The executives had a meeting in which they hatched a plan to terrorize the bloggers, then e-bay would swoop in and “save” them from this terrorization, and then the bloggers would portray e-bay as heroes on their blog.

The head of security was in charge of executing the plan. He got all the executives and many other employees to set up fake accounts and burner phones. Every day they’d deliver something creepy, including insects, the mask that a killer wore in a horror movie, a book about coping with the death of a spouse, a funeral wreath, etc. They tried to order a pig fetus, but the company they'd ordered it from was suspicious and would not send the ordered item. After each delivery, the couple would get text messages asking if they liked their gifts.

E-bay also had employees fly to Boston, rent cars, and follow the couple around every time the couple left the house. I think they may have graffitied or otherwise vandalized the house, too, but maybe I am remembering that wrong.

The couple was indeed terrified. They had no idea who was doing this to them. They slept in separate rooms so that if they were broken into at night, one or the other could escape. The couple got the police were involved, and if I remember correctly. it was the police that figured out it was e-bay doing this.

A criminal case ensued. E-bay had a private meeting with the DA (or was it attorney general?) about the case, and suddenly after the meeting, the nature of the prosecution changed. I think it was 6 or 7 lower level employees were convicted, but all the executives got off Scott free. The president (CEO?) got a golden parachute, another executive left under favorable terms.

The couple took the evidence from the criminal case and filed a civil case. In the criminal case, it was disclosed that the head of security was former CIA. In the civil case, it came out that he was actually still active CIA, and that other people at e-bay (specifically the president/CEO) may have been recruited by him to be involved in a CIA operation. Then the State Department stepped in and classified the evidence in the trial. Its the only time a civil case has been classified for national security reasons.

The head of security/CIA guy sounds like a real psycho. He used to regularly show his staff movie clips of snitches being murdered, such as when Denzel Washington shot a guy in a film.

Anyway, a lot of questions have been raised. Did e-bay knowingly hire an active CIA agent? Was e-bay a CIA front? If so, was it a front all along or did it become a front somewhere along the way? How many more of the staff were CIA agents? Why would the CIA want to use e-bay for secret operations? And what was e-bay doing that warranted the regular showing of movie clips of snitches being murdered????