Regime media suddenly admits an unelected “oligarchy” surrounding Biden is really in charge of the country. “This decades-long kitchen cabinet operates as a… governing oligarchy." It's amazing to watching entire media suddenly morph into far-right extremist conspiracy theorists!

Coming in cold here, haven't read any of the articles, but in your second link, with three articles listed, there's reference to a Ted Kaufman, Joe Biden's 85-year-old "longtime friend and constant advisor". I suspect this is the Mr Kaufman that anon Standing oak is referring to.
Edit: Actually, Mr Kaufman is cited in the first article you linked as well. Apparently he's a prominent advisor to JRB.
Yeah, that I saw. I just don’t get what it has to do with anything I wrote.
Is he trying to say Kaufman may be Jill/Joe’s owner? Good catch if so. Maybe.
I'm guessing your noting the discrepancies between articles was overshadowed by their content including reference to what may be seen as a "handler", or "owner" as you say. In other words, Joe's role may be directed by this TK vs Obama? I'm guessing that's what caught the attention of anon Standingoak. I doubt we'll know even 10% of the truth of all this, who was actually pulling the strings and what actually went on, after the smoke clears. We can theorize as to who are the bad players vs good players, who's controlling who, who's pretending to be on what team, etcetera. I'm pretty sure that clarity on this will remain elusive.
As far as the article discrepancies you noted... It's my understanding that one way the corrupt, evil minions of bad tech, particularly the search engine controllers, get their desired narrative content into a primary position is to do exactly as you've noted -- alter the title a little, alter some of the content a little, etc. then put out several versions of the content, with slightly different wording, they want people to read. An opposing article then gets assigned a lower position so the top hundred (arbitrary number here) "hits" are all going to support their narrative while opposing viewpoints are buried several pages later.
Someday I'd really like to fully understand the algorithms that these evil minions used to twist reality, censor out decent people, etc. Good catch on your part, too.