media cover ups and big tech basically shaming/hiding anyone who had a "dissenting" view/opinion.
Regardless of what people me believe or feel about Musk - him buying twitter and removing the shackles has really changed things. Community notes have people thinking twice of what they put on there since its actually crowd source fact checking vs a biased paid team from the left.
If this was revealed a year ago it would have been buried - it takes time people are more open now to believing something like this than before.
It's going to take a lot longer than that for justice, if we keep electing politicians from the worse-than-useless "republican" party establishment. That party needs a complete overhaul, or total destruction, with a new party to take its place. Patriots currently do not hold a majority in the "republican" party, and have not for over 25 years.
That is why we have a nazi-commie allied swamp filled with traitors who hate America, and its people.
I agree. Saw how bad it was at the NC Republican Convention when I was a delegate there for the first time. We were told the Medical Freedom Resolution was not heard at the Convention even though supported by a large number of districts bc the state legislature didn't want to hear it.
It went farther than just mask and COVID jab mandates. It literally went after Big Pharma
My question is why this has taken 3 1/2 years?
It's like arguing with your self in a mirror 😪 it's getting closer I see it in people who I talk to day to day and I live in Cali
Cali born in the "Root of All EVIL". Those that came first infected all that followed.
They have the deepest programing like NYC and will be the hardest & last to wake
Good one!
But they can't un-see what they see. That's how the mind worm works.
media cover ups and big tech basically shaming/hiding anyone who had a "dissenting" view/opinion.
Regardless of what people me believe or feel about Musk - him buying twitter and removing the shackles has really changed things. Community notes have people thinking twice of what they put on there since its actually crowd source fact checking vs a biased paid team from the left.
If this was revealed a year ago it would have been buried - it takes time people are more open now to believing something like this than before.
Mid- level people have been red- pilled and released the un- redacted FOIA. 31/2 years ago they would release nothing.
It's going to take a lot longer than that for justice, if we keep electing politicians from the worse-than-useless "republican" party establishment. That party needs a complete overhaul, or total destruction, with a new party to take its place. Patriots currently do not hold a majority in the "republican" party, and have not for over 25 years.
That is why we have a nazi-commie allied swamp filled with traitors who hate America, and its people.
I agree. Saw how bad it was at the NC Republican Convention when I was a delegate there for the first time. We were told the Medical Freedom Resolution was not heard at the Convention even though supported by a large number of districts bc the state legislature didn't want to hear it.
It went farther than just mask and COVID jab mandates. It literally went after Big Pharma
Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
But now , AWAKE We The People can be the LIONS tearing the shit out of those feeding hands
I agree but the normies that still hang on every word from the fake news need to be awakened.
An army is only as fast as it's slowest units and 50% of the population has below average (median) IQ