posted ago by CaptainQirk ago by CaptainQirk +50 / -0

If they were just panicked because Joe's demented, then where was their worry for the last few years?

Nah, they were perfectly happy to lie to you, gaslight you, etc. because while they follow a script, they have no moral issue with lying to you to maintain power.

So, what changed? Why did they all instantly flip? Why are celebrities, politicians and media losers alike all freaking out and infighting?

Because I believe that there WAS a more "cogent" Joe, one that was used to impress the intel influencer wannabes like the Brzezinski clique. Or at the very least, there was reason for them to believe there was.

When Hillary died, we saw this same game play out. A series of body doubles all getting bizarrely sick and non functional, exposing themselves.

So therefore, were the Deep State under some impression that "when the time came", they'd wheel in the "competent Biden"?

That is, given that they were freaking out prior to Biden even arriving and were talking about medical issues, could it be that they realized they had been bamboozled and that "the wrong Biden" from their perspective got sent to the debate?

The guy at the rally afterwards was clearly a different man, possibly even filmed on another day.

Now, despite the media pedos panicking and wanting to replace him for some reason unbeknownst to us (since it's not new news that he's senile), which you'd think Biden would do since he's supposedly a loyal party man, it seems that the Biden campaign is intent on staying in.


Because this is all a mass operation to expose the fake media, the true Enemy of the People. We expose the real Biden's crimes, while also entirely exposing the gaslighting media to even normies.

So, you get Joe Scarborough and Mika arguing, angrily trying to tell each other to stay calm, as Joe tries not to yell through the tears. You have Rob Reiner screaming that they're going to lose.

Lol, the steal was allowed to happen, WH in control, and retards like the Media brains legitimately thought that they'd be safe because "their guy" stole it.

They didn't question what was happening, and allowed both their panic and pride be their downfall.