posted ago by CaptainQirk ago by CaptainQirk +236 / -1

Independence from royalty.

Independence from globalism.

Independence from the corrupt shackles.

Independence from the propaganda networks.

Independence from the WEF, WHO.

Independence from Tavistock.

Independence from Satan's gaping maw.

In all earthly and spiritual matters, be independent from Satan, but be dependent on God.

Only God has allowed us to see what we see, to see the light through the darkness.

May we all pray for wisdom with how to proceed.

But remember. Your Declaration of Independence wasn't just about getting rid of a King. The Sinful Kings are symptoms of Original Sin. You knock one down, another rises.

Each day, declare independence from these evil things in Jesus' name. The Declaration of Independence is something to renew each day. It's not just an old dusty document.

It's a reason to KEEP FIGHTING.