I celebrate the resurrection of Jesus every time I am presented with my own shortcomings or when I need help. I remember that not only did He die to wash my sins away, but that He conquored death and reigns supreme over all creation, so my little problem is nothing He can't assist me with.
I also hang out with my extended family on Easter and we chat about Jesus' resurrection, because I find it to be one of those 'doctrines not worth dividing over'. It's whatever. I'll watch the youngsters look around for Ishtar's eggs of fertility kek. It pains me to see them devour that junk candy though! But not my kids so I can't stop em
I celebrate the resurrection of Jesus every time I am presented with my own shortcomings or when I need help. I remember that not only did He die to wash my sins away, but that He conquored death and reigns supreme over all creation, so my little problem is nothing He can't assist me with.
I also hang out with my extended family on Easter and we chat about Jesus' resurrection, because I find it to be one of those 'doctrines not worth dividing over'. It's whatever. I'll watch the youngsters look around for Ishtar's eggs of fertility kek. It pains me to see them devour that junk candy though! But not my kids so I can't stop em