At least right now here in Finland there have been no news of any of that in our legacy media, so most people here still have no idea. When ever anything about covid or the vaccinations is written or talked about in our mainstream media the story is still the same it was during the pandemic years. The alternative media does talk about it, but ours is still rather small, and most people avoid those net sites and online magazines because they think they are worthless and lying, if they even know they exist - a lot of people don't. The biggest one I know of has also been owned and ran from 2019 by a Finn who has lived in Donetsk for years, and so it is now accused of being Russian disinformation.
So, at least here you need to start having some doubts before you even start looking at those sites.
I just heard that one woman who at that time was my co-worker and who, when the injections started, was pretty smug about getting it, and all the boosters too, just had to get both of her breasts removed as she is fighting a very aggressive cancer. But she probably still has no idea whatsoever that that might be connected to the vax. And if she has heard anything she probably denied any chance it might be true, why would she want to know that she maybe arranged her own demise due to being gullible as hell while thinking she was the opposite. And presumably she got all her three children vaccinated as well.
Some people do get angry when they find out they were fooled. But a lot will deny they were as long as possible because they simply don't want to think they were that easy to fool, or that they could be that stupid.
And I have to admit that woman is somebody I am not able to feel sorry for. Her family, and especially her children, yes. But her... she was damn irritating when I knew her, something of a Karen, seemed always pretty certain she was smarter than anybody and always right. And after one discussion when I happened to argue against one of her opinions because it was something I knew about she also did go for some mild bullying against me. Was a pain to work with.
At least right now here in Finland there have been no news of any of that in our legacy media, so most people here still have no idea. When ever anything about covid or the vaccinations is written or talked about in our mainstream media the story is still the same it was during the pandemic years. The alternative media does talk about it, but ours is still rather small, and most people avoid those net sites and online magazines because they think they are worthless and lying, if they even know they exist - a lot of people don't. The biggest one I know of has also been owned and ran from 2019 by a Finn who has lived in Donetsk for years, and so it is now accused of being Russian disinformation.
So, at least here you need to start having some doubts before you even start looking at those sites.
I just heard that one woman who at that time was my co-worker and who, when the injections started, was pretty smug about getting it, and all the boosters too, just had to get both of her breasts removed as she is fighting a very aggressive cancer. But she probably still has no idea whatsoever that that might be connected to the vax. And if she has heard anything she probably denied any chance it might be true, why would she want to know that she maybe arranged her own demise due to being gullible as hell while thinking she was the opposite. And presumably she got all her three children vaccinated as well.
Some people do get angry when they find out they were fooled. But a lot will deny they were as long as possible because they simply don't want to think they were that easy to fool, or that they could be that stupid.
And I have to admit that woman is somebody I am not able to feel sorry for. Her family, and especially her children, yes. But her... she was damn irritating when I knew her, something of a Karen, seemed always pretty certain she was smarter than anybody and always right. And after one discussion when I happened to argue against one of her opinions because it was something I knew about she also did go for some mild bullying against me. Was a pain to work with.