Unless proven with court documents, at the time of Kamala’s birth, her parents were not U.S. citizens. They were foreign students. At the time of her birth, she was the daughter of non-citizens. This makes her an anchor baby. She is not eligible to hold the office of President.

If true wouldn't that make her an illegitimate vice president as well. I suppose in one more additional way on top of the other reasons.
She had no business running as VP; been saying that for 4 years....same with the kenyan.
The Kenyan may have an Indonesian Baby Daddy or Frank Marshall (at least this communist was a citizen)
Already been litigated. Ive had this same convo 4 times this weekend with normies. As much as I hate it, she is “official”. Supreme Court made that distinction around the turn of the century (1898). It has been argued however that the case never really disagreggated the difference between a “Citizen” and a “Naturalized Citizen”. Both citizens, almost identical, only one has a tiny number of limitations.
Yes I was able to dig that up. Do you know if that would be different should her parents have owed allegiance to a different country or been agents of?
Either way, we know she didn't actually win
Agreed. They 100% did not win shit. I think you are on to something with the allegiance thing. If I recall correctly, if a parent is aligned with a foreign “adversary”, that would preclude the citizenship birth right by proximity. I gotta say, I despise that rule. It may have made sense 200 years ago, but that “rule” has been insanely abused. It needs to go.