posted ago by PaintingTruth17 ago by PaintingTruth17 +22 / -0

So we know our federal gov must get kneecapped for us to survive, but that just pushes a lot of power back to the states.

Just wondering how do you all think that plays out for those of us that are in commie controlled states ?

I already know the typical responses " get involved, make calls, write letters, blah blah ". I understand & back these sentiments, but they only make sense if you believe we're ruled over by a legit, honest, and fair functioning body. I do not believe this.

If you committed a crime the first thing you do is try to cover it up and ensure no one can ever find out about it.

They stole our ways to remove them a long time ago. They knew once they gained our elections they'd have full control forever.

Just pondering how and when Freedom may prevail even after some of bigger problems are addressed. Would love to hear some musings about what you pedes see down the road.

Thank you.