Literal eternal life. The small injustices of this age are little more than moral training for the next. You are outraged over the Mongols deeds. Have you done anything about the evils of now? Justice is the disposition towards wrong doing. If no wrongdoing happens, it is impossible for Justice to be learnt by humans. So too for all the Virtues.
Literal eternal life. The small injustices of this age are little more than moral training for the next. You are outraged over the Mongols deeds. Have you done anything about the evils of now? Justice is the disposition towards wrong doing. If no wrongdoing happens, it is impossible for Justice to be learnt by humans. So too for all the Virtues.
Do what exactly? Get mowed down by armed feds and become more cannon fodder?
When is he SUPPOSED to step in? Or do we do all the work on his behalf in his name and he takes all the credit?!
Or is it all just cope