Photo from Biden’s Speech-Writing Team Surfaces - Watch Closely to See Why It Takes 15 DEI Members to Do the Job of 2 Qualified ...
President Biden isn’t up to continuing his campaign or finishing a second term, despite his insistence that he won’t be
Somebody needs to tell them to stop writing cues like "Pause" and "End of quote" in the teleprompter.
How much has this group together combined for in student debt relief?
They need to start writing "I rape little girls".
Bruce should get right on that
Can the screen he reads from be hacked? Oh that would be something.
Ahh, there are so many assumptions and guesses in that article that it's not worth reading. I don't like Joe or his support staff anymore than anyone else here, but this piece is just supposition piled on supposition. Surely we can do better than this.
Yeah... that blogger sounds like a shithead and does not represent MAGA values well at all.
13% working and 87% leaning on the shovel? That sums up government agencies both state and federal.
So basically 2 cis white men doing the actual work.
Was going to say. Look closely, 10 dumbasses celebrating their collective idiocy, two actual speech writers trying to figure out how to spell...fogaboitaflabulasticosinsnnssnsnsn. a word joe is brilliant at pronouncing.
Payoffs by hiring somebody’s children.
Microcosm of Government bloat. What I see: 15 overpaid and underperforming employees who get a paycheck via our tax dollars.
Even if it is an opinion column it is, probably, more factual than the news being reported in this day and age. And, one other thing, they readily admit is as an opinion column, when did the MSM ever disassociate their opinion from the actual news-to me it was always included as the news!