If this is true, there couldn’t be a better choice. Ratcliffe explains it himself in the last letter he wrote officially concerning the election.
After the election interference EO, ANY interested party could submit evidence to the DNI. Not just civilian law enforcement or Intel agencies, but anyone. Meaning Space Force could pass on anything relevant to the DNI.
As DNI, he was the one guy who got everything from everyone. Obviously, the CIA doesn’t get everything the NSA has and so on. They all hold onto Intel as tight as possible.
Ratcliffe got it all. If he becomes AG, EVERYONE is fucked. There will be no hiding. He already knows where to look. This is basically a huge fuck you to the deep state. They know it and Trump knows it.
If this actually happens, stand by for the media and democrats to instantly go on the attack. They will do everything in their power to kneecap him before he gets a chance to begin prosecutions.
Ill give you some resources to get you started. But boiled down to its essence? It had to happen this way. You have been watching a 8 year sting op to save the world.
First up is Joe Langes substack. Below is the beginning of his 'Master and Commander' series and his homepage. You should read all Joes stuff.
Next up is Jon Herolds (aka Patel Patriot) 'Devolution. Hes also got a great podcast at Badlands media with Just Human and Burning Bright. I started ya at the end of the series to make it easier to find the newer installments.
If this is true, there couldn’t be a better choice. Ratcliffe explains it himself in the last letter he wrote officially concerning the election.
After the election interference EO, ANY interested party could submit evidence to the DNI. Not just civilian law enforcement or Intel agencies, but anyone. Meaning Space Force could pass on anything relevant to the DNI.
As DNI, he was the one guy who got everything from everyone. Obviously, the CIA doesn’t get everything the NSA has and so on. They all hold onto Intel as tight as possible.
Ratcliffe got it all. If he becomes AG, EVERYONE is fucked. There will be no hiding. He already knows where to look. This is basically a huge fuck you to the deep state. They know it and Trump knows it.
If this actually happens, stand by for the media and democrats to instantly go on the attack. They will do everything in their power to kneecap him before he gets a chance to begin prosecutions.
It’s not gonna work, but they gonna try.
So why didn't he do something while he was DNI?
It would take a book to explain it all to you.
Ill give you some resources to get you started. But boiled down to its essence? It had to happen this way. You have been watching a 8 year sting op to save the world.
First up is Joe Langes substack. Below is the beginning of his 'Master and Commander' series and his homepage. You should read all Joes stuff.
Next up is Jon Herolds (aka Patel Patriot) 'Devolution. Hes also got a great podcast at Badlands media with Just Human and Burning Bright. I started ya at the end of the series to make it easier to find the newer installments.
Then theres Burning Bright. Below are two of his older substacks.
And his latest series.
But again read all his stuff.
If you really want to hurt your brain there is Majic Eyes and his Law of War proofs.
I've read the devolution stuff and I don't buy into it and as far I can tell this stuff is outside Q