posted ago by nothingberg ago by nothingberg +33 / -0

Can you please summarize this article for me?

The article explores the connection between the mafia, carbon credits, and Bitcoin. It highlights how the mafia is involved in the carbon credit scheme, which aims to create an inter-continental “smart grid” and link carbon-based life to the debt-based monetary system via a Bitcoin sidechain.

The article mentions the GREEN+ Trust, a carbon credit certification standard chosen by GREEN+, which is working closely with Cercarbono. Cercarbono is involved in certifying carbon credits produced by the program and choosing initiatives participating jurisdictions can implement with funds received.

The article also touches on Worldcoin, a project led by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, which is positioning itself as a one-stop shop for identity and financial infrastructure. Worldcoin is working with the Argentine government and has connections to the World Economic Forum’s Global AI Council and the Bilderberg group.


The article suggests that the mafia is involved in the Bitcoin ecosystem, holding significant amounts of Bitcoin and influencing the market. It implies that the mafia’s involvement in the carbon credit scheme and Worldcoin project could be a way to exert control over the global financial system.

PUMP AND DUMPS, and CC / 33 Schemes

In summary, the article highlights the connection between the mafia, carbon credits, and Bitcoin, and suggests that the mafia is involved in the Bitcoin ecosystem and is influencing the global financial system through its involvement in these projects.